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It’s easier said than done, but there are ways to balance body, mind, and spirit. At the very least, we can evolve towards doing so. The key is to simplify work schedules, relationships, and lifestyles. Set priorities and perform those tasks efficiently, whether it is a work assignment or other commitment. Here are five easy steps towards balanced living.

  1. Perhaps it is most difficult to feel a sense of balance when there are so many things to do that it becomes overwhelming. One way to climb that mountain is to focus and minimize distractions. Review deadlines and the level of complexity for each to-do item, and then decide what comes first. Methodically go through the list, and as we check off each deed, the sense of accomplishment will ground us, so we can keep moving forward.
  2. Even when we are centered, some thoughts or interactions can cause a disruption to our otherwise balanced states. It’s therefore important to avoid the negative and emphasize the positive. We need to be aware of our thoughts and why we’re thinking them, so we don’t back ourselves into a corner. And, avoid negative people as much as possible!
  3. Too much work makes us strangers to our families, and, ironically, makes us not wholly present on the job. Everyone needs to set aside time for family and friends. One hour can mean the world to a spouse, a child, or a friend.
  1. Too often, we forget to eat nutrient-dense foods and exercise, even if it’s just taking a 10-minute walk daily. Be mindful and create good habits. Psychologists state that three months of repetitive positive behavior creates a good habit.
  2. Practice gratitude. When we say “thank you” for any small service and feel grateful, it is a positive emotion that fills the spirit.