Business Building Corner

First impressions count

Everyone knows how important it is to make a good first impression when you’re on a job interview, but what about your role as a LifePharm Global Network Independent Business Owner? How do you think you come across to a potential customer or business partner? It’s not just about appearances. Sure, you’re a walking advertisement for the company you represent, but how are you communicating? Are you making a connection or are you giving an explanation?

Short is Better than Long
Many times when we are focused on telling someone about something important to us, we forget about the other person’s point of view. We don’t even see that she or he may be confused about what we’re saying. We may get so excited that we go off on tangents and over explain. It’s the “too much information” syndrome, and TMI does not make a good impression.

Many successful IBOs are actually introverts who are not blessed with the gift of gab. This can work in their favor. They don’t particularly enjoy talking, so they keep things short and sweet. They talk briefly about their personal experiences with the products. And, they let the potential connection do most of the talking by asking a few pointed questions, so they can figure out whether there is an interest or need that can be fulfilled with product and/or business opportunity.

Whether an IBO is extroverted or introverted doesn’t matter. Both personalities need to listen and find the right opening to make a connection. The goal is to begin a relationship. Sales and sponsorships are byproducts of relationships, without which there are no building blocks for fruitful and long lasting partnerships.

A Walking Billboard
During the summer months, people naturally gravitate to the outdoors. This means we are likely to be seen by more people. How we look comes into play when there is face-to-face contact, which leads us back to appearances.

In marketing dietary supplements or any nutritional, botanical or nutraceutical product, the most important thing about our appearance, regardless of age, is how healthy we look. During the summer months, if we walk around with sunburned skin, dried out hair, and jagged fingernails (and toenails), we become a walking billboard that says, "I’m a hot mess."

We don’t need to be model perfect, but we need to come as close as possible to clean, moisturized skin, well-groomed hair, and neatly trimmed nails. Then our message becomes strong and inviting: "Share in my health and happiness."