Business Building Corner

Giving Leads to Receiving

"If you give, you shall receive." This basic law of returns works both ways: the kinder you are, the more kindness you receive, but the more callous you are, the more callousness comes back. When it comes to business, this law still holds true, even if it seems counterintuitive. That is, the more generous you are in your business transactions, the more successful you tend to be.

In business, everyone is concerned with return on investment (ROI). ROI often takes quite a bit of time. During the interim, it seems as if there is no ROI at all, which can lead to a sense of disappointment, regret and failure. The truth of the matter is that if you put something positive out in the business world, the basic law of returns works. There’s just not a guarantee of quickness. There’s not even a guarantee that the return is tangible. What is guaranteed is that you will receive as much or more in return, as long as you keep on going and never give up.

Let’s put this into concrete terms. You see a homeless person and give him some spare change. Do you get some extra change back out of the blue as an immediate return? Of course not. But you may have helped someone turn his life around or simply survive for another day. Isn’t that a huge return? Isn’t knowing that you are a kind and compassionate person, willing to help another human being without an expectation of anything in return, satisfying?

Root of Success in Network Marketing
Successful people are more often than not philanthropists. Perhaps even more so than in traditional business, successful network marketers are truly givers. Take a look and see who the successful leaders are in network marketing. They all have something in common—they are super generous with their team members as well as in their community. Successful network marketers:

  • spend hours a day supporting their downline
  • often provide product samples they have purchased to newcomers who are cash-poor
  • loan products and accept payback without interest
  • travel long distances to conduct training meetings for their downline, at their own expense
  • share information and business building tips not only with their own organization but crossline as well
  • stay in touch with their company and travel to all major corporate events
  • are genuinely compassionate and want to share their good fortune
  • go out of their way to serve their group
  • contribute time and finances to their communities
  • work for the long term, not for a quick buck