Call and share your Laminine story!

Dial in and leave a voice recording of your Laminine, Laminine OMEGA+++ or LPGN Business Opportunity endorsement. This is an easy and fun way to share your Product/Opportunity story with us!

As you know, endorsements are the best way to share the benefits of our LPGN Products and Opportunity with your customers and prospects! Dial in and share your story today!

Tips for Leaving the Perfect Endorsement

In order for LPGN to be able to share your endorsement in our Endorsement Library or use it in our publications/events, please follow the tips below to ensure your endorsements are compliant and do not make claims we cannot publish.

Here are 5 quick tips for leaving the perfect endorsement:

  1. Make sure to leave your first name, last name, city/region, state/province and country.

  1. Target no longer than 60 seconds for your endorsement.

  2. Jot down what you want to say before you call. Time yourself and practice once or twice before you dial in to the endorsement hotline.

  3. Avoid words like "cure," "treat," "prevent," "prescribe," or "heal" in your endorsement.

  4. Avoid the mention of any specific health conditions or diseases. Only mention symptoms or challenges associated with your specific health challenges and how LPGN products have assisted with them. If you’re leaving an opportunity endorsement, please avoid making specific income claims.

Endorsement hotline phone number: 641-715-3900
Mail Box Number: 222621#
(Standard phone rates and long distance charges apply)