Business Building Corner

How to Follow Up when Sponsoring

Successful sponsoring is a combination of implementing a defined strategy by working hard and consistently following up with every lead. Top network marketers have one thing in common. They actively build their list of leads and persistently and methodically follow up with everyone on that list.

In reality, most prospects do not join a business the first time they’re approached. People may need to think things over. Others may want some kind of guarantee or proof that the business is a viable option. Prospects function on their own timetables, not yours. That’s why networking takes patience and perseverance, just as any salesperson requires “stick-to-it” qualities to close the deal.

The trick is not to delete the people off your lead list if they say they are not interested. There are so many degrees of “not interested” and as life evolves, people’s circumstances change, and that adamant “no” could become a “yes.” If you stay in touch with these leads, many people may join your business at a later date, either as an Independent Business Owner or as a retail customer.

If you don’t follow up with all of your leads consistently, you may have let your next big business leader slip away. Veteran network marketers will keep following up with all leads year after year, until they join or move without a forwarding address!

That’s why it is important to build a lead list. Whenever you generate leads, you need to capture contact information such as names, address, telephone number and email. Once you obtain this information, you can follow up with a combination of these methods. You can follow up—weekly or monthly—as you deem appropriate.

Here are some of the things to address during your follow-ups:

  1. Share new business information. Keep your prospects in touch with new developments. Fresh information may entice them to join. A great way to open up a dialogue is, “I have some wonderful news for you!”
  2. Provide answers and solutions. If you follow up regularly, you know the concerns of your prospects. Even if you don’t have all the answers to their questions, follow up is the perfect time to provide responses you may not have had before. For example, have you shared the new Laminine FAQs with your prospects?
  3. Share new success stories. Share the success of your current downline as their stories evolve. You never know which success story might resonate with your prospect.
  4. Provide your prospect with links to videos, web pages with endorsements of LPGN products and opportunity. Even if you have already done so, do it again. Your prospects may have lost the links or never clicked on them.
  5. Have your own specific endorsements memorized and speak about them when appropriate. Also have them written down, so they can be emailed.

By persisting and sharing regularly, you will sponsor more IBOs and make more money.