Business Building Corner

Cultivating Relationships for Referrals

Happy customers drive referrals, and referrals are part of the lifeblood of any retail or network marketing business. Referrals are also the fastest way to grow a network marketing organization. So how can you consistently obtain those treasured referrals?

Here are some tips on cultivating healthy business relationships that drive referrals:

Get to Know Your Customers and Downline
Show customers and downline that you are invested in them and their success. To do that, you need to take the relationship to a more personal level. Take the time to truly listen to their thoughts and concerns. Make a positive impact on their lives. Be the one that stands out as more caring than others to reap the rewards that come with trust: referrals. With downline, the more you care and show that through action, the more successful the downline will be in bringing new recruits to build a team.

Communicate Early and Often
Establishing regular communication with customers, downline and upline early in the relationship is one of the most important things to do to ensure a healthy long-term association. Keep in touch with customers via social media to keep them updated with company news. When you consistently respond to questions and comments quickly and directly, they are likely to be impressed and recommend your services again and again.

Be Transparent
There are ups and downs to conducting any type of business. In network marketing, there are times where misunderstandings occur about the benefits of a product, the formulations and the myriad ways of earning income. Let your downline know as much as possible. And, if you don’t know the answers to any of their questions, let them know you will get back to them and ask the company’s customer service representatives for assistance. You may also ask to be directed to the department that handles the specific area you are querying about.

Pass on as much information as possible to your downline, as this is all part of learning about the company, the products and the many ways to receive compensation. You should always be transparent and honest, because customers are a lot more likely to recommend products or services to friends and acquaintances they trust.

Ask for Feedback
In addition to offering useful and relevant information, regularly solicit feedback and advice from customers, downline and upline. Ask how you can serve them better. In many cases, insight from regular feedback improves relationships by highlighting problems that existed below the surface—and also because you'll be communicating that you are willing to go the extra mile to make sure you're meeting their needs. Feedback may also reveal ways in which the relationship can be expanded to include a greater scope of products or services.

If you gather feedback from your customers and downline, be willing and able to act upon it. Customers and downline who provide you with their feedback expect you to make the changes they've suggested.

Handle different customers/downline differently
The power of this principle lies in the potential for optimizing the value of each relationship by treating people as individuals. Depending on personalities, age, life priorities and gender, your customers/downline have different needs. As the sponsor or retailer, we need to identify their needs and provide the right solutions—whether it’s to help create financial stability or to provide health benefits—or just to be a sympathetic ear when needed.

Be Positive
Human nature dictates that people like working with positive, upbeat leaders. A positive leader role models loyalty and faith in the company and rallies downline to achieve new heights.

At LifePharm Global Network, we are led by Wicky Suyanto, a gentleman entrepreneur who has a history of more than 30 years of solid business success. He is knowledgeable about the highs and lows of operating a business, and he always stays true to his principles while remaining positive.

Wicky says, “I run a business with nothing to hide. I know my products are good, because I make sure of that from the very beginning—by sourcing ingredients with reputable suppliers who are able to fulfill the highest standards of quality. We know who we are, we know what we stand for—our products are unique and deliver results.”