Business Building Corner

There are many ways to give thanks

While Thanksgiving in the U.S. is celebrated with sports events, family dinners, and time off from work, its real purpose is to reflect on everything that we have to be thankful for — such as health, family, material possessions, and general success.

It’s also a good reminder that "thankfulness" and "appreciation" are important behaviors in effective organizations — behaviors that need to be fostered throughout the year, not just when there’s a holiday.

Extending thanks regularly can generate good will and make your business memorable. Applied to network marketing, that can translate to repeat business, greater productivity among your organization and maybe even a faster pace of sponsorship.

Here are some small ways to give big thanks:

  • Offer perks, prizes or pick-me-ups.
    Everyone likes a gift, especially when it’s unexpected. Tokens of appreciation and special deliveries for your loyal downline can help inspire, motivate and keep sponsorship activity at a constantly high level.
  • Make it personal with a card or a call.
    If you are recognizing someone specific, make sure it’s sincere and done in a timely way. Expressing your thanks in writing or a personal phone call is one way to do just that. The person will know you took the time to go the extra mile. With the prevalence of electronic communication, sometimes just hearing a real voice on the other end can have special meaning.

  • Acknowledge someone via social media.
    Social media platforms, such as your Facebook page or Twitter feed, are great ways to show public recognition to many people at once. Launch a mini thank-you campaign. Design and share a photo thanking your supporters. You could also post or tweet a list of the top 10 things your business is thankful for.

Gratitude is infectious and a little goes a long way. Plant the seeds of appreciation now and set the tone for a prosperous year.