Business Building Corner

Couples Who are Also Business Partners

Perhaps more often than in any other industry, network marketers are composed of couples that work together as partners or as members of the same organization. As anyone who has worked with a spouse can tell you, it’s not easy. There are certain things to keep in mind and to practice on a daily basis in order to make the business partnership work, while keeping the spousal relationship healthy and intact.

  1. The most important thing is to respect each other. If a couple disagrees about their business very often, their marital relationship inevitably suffers as a result. It is imperative to show respect for each other’s business opinions and to “agree to disagree” without hard feelings.
  2. One way to alleviate disagreements is to separate tasks and responsibilities. Recognize what each is good at and let the other excel in other areas. Respect each other’s positive qualities and acknowledge what each brings to the business. The key is to treat each other as professionals rather than as spouses when on the job together, which provides some formality and distance.

    If one of the partners realizes he or she is not suited for the position, the couple has to make a decision. Either switch roles, or step away. Staying in a role that one is ineffective at cannot work in the long run and ultimately will hurt not only the business but also the marriage.
  3. When couples work together, it’s important to present a unified front, much the way effective parents discipline their children. Even if you disagree behind the scenes, the public should only see a harmonious approach.

    This is especially true in network marketing. Imagine if the husband is giving a product endorsement and the wife interrupts and disagrees. Or if the wife is exclaiming over their financial success and the husband shakes his head. How can you be convincing if you do not appear to be in accord?
  1. Successful partners are devoted to their business and have similar visions. They feed each other power and energy in their own respective ways. But if one is constantly trying to grow the company, while the other is content with stagnancy and complacency, resentment and anger will build, and the marriage or business (or both) may fail.

    Just because you are committed to spending the rest of your lives together, it doesn’t mean you have the same goals or vision for your company. If one wants to remain a mom-and-pop shop, while the other wants to take their business internationally, you’ve got a huge problem. It’s impossible for a company to evolve when the visions are not aligned.

    In network marketing, one of the partners may intentionally take a back seat and play the support role. Usually the more outspoken one takes the lead in sponsoring. Regardless of the roles, IBO couples that succeed are generally equally ambitious and feed off each other’s enthusiasm.
  2. Forgive. Ultimately, if you are going to work with your spouse, be willing to forgive your partner when things don’t work out as hoped. There inevitably will be days when your plans do not work out as planned. Do your best to leave conflict at the office and keep your home as a sanctuary to focus on your family.

    Being able to successfully work with your spouse depends on many factors. By no means is it easy, but if you do decide to do it, make sure you are flexible and can move on from mistakes and disagreements.