Business Building Corner

Holidays are prime time for networking

Unless you are a retail shopkeeper, companies proclaim that the holidays are a slow time of year for doing business. The thought is that people “check out,” production goes down, and there is the wait for the coming year to bounce back to focus and work. Fortunately for network marketers the opposite is true: the holidays are actually prime time to make new connections.

With all the holiday parties, events, and family visits, the holiday season provides some of the best networking opportunities of the entire year.

To help you make the most of your holiday season, here are some networking tips derived from industry experts:

  1. Commit to Attending Holiday Parties and Events
    If you're looking for new people to join you in business building, you'll meet them everywhere, from neighborhood open houses to the office party, as well as those special holiday business networking events. Attending holiday events is also a good way to follow up with the people you already know, such as your clients, business acquaintances, associates, referral partners, friends and family members.

  2. Host a Holiday Party
    Have an open house at your home, or host a party at a restaurant or community center. This is a great way to reach out and reconnect with people in your network. Ask them to bring friends, so you can meet new prospects.

  3. Send out Holiday Greetings
    This is a perfect time of year to send cards, letters, emails, and newsletters. Let the people in your network know you are thinking about them. It’s all part of recognition and making others feel appreciated.

  4. Be prepared for each event you attend Be ready to clearly and concisely tell people what you do and who you do it for. Have a prepared introduction that you have practiced and are completely comfortable saying. Remember to pass out your LPGN business cards! And while you're at it, bring your calendar and a pen so you can schedule follow-up meetings in the moment.

  5. Ask for introductions
    Know who you want to meet and don't be afraid to ask your friends, relatives, and old and new acquaintances for introductions.

  6. Prepare some questions to get the conversation going
    "How do you know the host/hostess?"
    "Who do you know at this event?"
    "What has been the highlight of your year?"
    "How's the family?"
    "What plans do you have for next year?"
    "How was business this year?"
    "What kinds of people are you looking for these days?"
    (Be prepared to answer these questions as well!)

  1. Talk about something other than business
    In building relationships, which is what networking is all about, you want to get to know people on a personal level, as well as a professional level. Take advantage of the holidays to relax, socialize and get to know people a little better.

  2. Focus on other people
    Listen at least as much as you talk. It's better to err on the side of listening too much rather than talking too much about yourself and your business. Listen for their needs and then supply the solution, whether it’s the health benefits from LPGN products or the financial opportunity.

  3. Dress appropriately
    What kind of event is it? A dressy holiday party? An office party? A happy hour or open house? Whether it's dress up or casual, make sure you look professional.

  4. Send the host or hostess a thank you note
    Send a hand-written personal thank you note that lets them know what a wonderful time you had.

  5. Call people You can make a more personal connection with people by calling them during the holidays. This works not just with friends and family but also with your best business connections as well.

  6. Have fun, but don't eat or drink too much
    It's the holidays, so relax and enjoy yourself. It's fine to have a good time, but you don't need to be the life of the party. Act like a professional at all times.

We wish you happy holidays and festive prospecting!