Business Building Corner

Prepare for business like an athlete

Athletes focus on staying in shape and consistently improving their physical stamina. They also pay attention to their mental state because much of their competitive edge relies on the proverbial “nerves of steel.” For entrepreneurs like LifePharm Global Network Independent Business Owners, operating your own business has the same psychological challenges that face the athlete preparing for a competition.

The athlete trains by eating the right foods to build muscle while trimming down fat, adhering to a rigorous exercise regimen and doing mental gymnastics that enhance the power of positive thinking. Similarly, the successful LPGN IBO needs to stay fit and be prepared mentally to tackle prospecting and business building. When tired, a person tends to worry more and lack perspective, so getting enough restful sleep is just as important for an LPGN IBO as for the athlete.

Athletes set performance goals, always pushing themselves to reach the next level. In business, you also create goals, whether it’s to increase sales, sponsor more business builders, win a travel incentive or promote to the next rank. To achieve these business goals, you need to be focused on your organization and their activities as well as consistently sponsor new first level IBOs and then to “build wide and build deep.”

There are numerous mental skills that successful athletes use to help achieve success in sports. Simply substitute the word “sport” for “business” and you will see the parallels below:

  1. Maintain a positive attitude. This includes viewing sport (business) as an opportunity to compete against yourself. A positive attitude also involves respect for the competition and everyone in the sport (business).

  2. Know the benefits. Realize that many benefits come from participating in the sport (business), not just the outcome. This will help you persist through obstacles and setbacks. Understand that rewards are not always immediate and take time, energy and work.

  1. Set short- and long-term goals that are realistic, measurable and time-specific.

  2. Maintain a balance between your sport (business) and the rest of your life. Don’t neglect your family or friends.

  3. Use mental imagery to prepare for competition (business). Imagine yourself performing well — create detailed, specific and realistic images.

  4. Accept anxiety as part of the sport (business) but use it to your benefit as a motivator to improve and learn when it’s best to set it aside.

  5. Understand that strong emotions such as excitement and disappointment are part of the sport (business) experience. Use these emotions to improve performance.

  6. Concentration is crucial to success in sports (business). Pay close attention during each sport (business) situation. Resist distractions from the environment and from within yourself. Learn to stay in the “here and now” rather than looking to the past or future.

  7. Talk to yourself. Be your own best friend and talk yourself through challenging moments.

  8. Use your support system. Realize your family, friends, teammates, coaches and others are sources to boost your morale. (In LPGN, you not only have friends and family but also your upline, crossline and downline!)

The next time you score a victory, whether it’s meeting your sales goal for the month or adding a cherished new business builder to your downline, remember to celebrate your win and aim even higher!