Are you tired of feeling unwell?

This is the first in a series of articles that will examine the beneficial properties of IMMUNE+++. When you read the IMMUNE+++ label, you will find a rich variety of ingredients that directly support the immune system and overall health. Our series of articles will go over these beneficial ingredients one at a time. Today we are going to see why vitamin C is very important. We will also show how and why the Life-C Blend in IMMUNE+++ performs exceptionally well when compared with other brands of just vitamin C.

One tablet of IMMUNE+++ contains what is considered a good amount of vitamin C. Two tablets, which is the recommended usage on the label, provides 1000 units of vitamin C— a good mega amount that is enhanced with lipid metabolites and bioflavonoids. Let us look at why this is a unique formula and review vitamin C and its importance.

Vitamin C was one of the first vitamins promoted to be taken in dosages beyond the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) by Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winning biochemist.1

Why do we need vitamin C daily or better yet, twice daily?

Why is IMMUNE+++ Life-C Blend a "state-of-the-art" formulation?
Life-C Blend is pure vitamin C combined with citrus bioflavonoids and lipid metabolites.

Why does IMMUNE+++ contain Life-C Blend with Bioflavonoids?
Vitamin C is more beneficial when combined with bioflavonoids. These are the natural compounds found in the rind of citrus fruit that synergistically work with the vitamin. They crosslink vitamin C with collagen in connective tissues, maintaining optimal structuring in the skin, joint tissues and blood vessels. Citrus fruits are among the most valuable functional diets shown to lower oxidative-damage to the cardiovascular system.2,3 When oxidative damage occurs in the blood vessels, it creates a nick or small wound, so to speak. Inflammation occurs as the body tries to send cells to repair the situation. This almost causes more damage and blockage (inflammation) when it is continual, similar to a wound that won’t heal. The antioxidant constituents of citrus fruits, such as ascorbic acid and flavonoids, scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hence prevent ROS accumulation and oxidative damage to the blood and heart vessels.3,4

Evidence from population studies and randomized controlled trials has supported a protective role for several dietary flavonoids in relation to a number of age-related continuing conditions, including those involving blood and heart vessels, blood sugar maintenance, and neurological and cognitive functions. They are shown to help by exerting anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects.4 Thirty-seven older adults (mean age 67) that consumed flavanone rich orange juice daily for eight weeks showed a much better and statistically significant improvement in cognitive function.5

In conclusion, it is clear that not all vitamin C is created equally. Life-C Blend has been shown to be quickly absorbed, effective in decreasing inflammation and supportive of cardiovascular and immune functions.


1. Lehninger, A, Nelson DL, Cox MM. Principles of Biochemistry. Worth Publishers, NY, NY. 1993, page 439.
2. Theoharides TC1, Alexandrakis M, Kempuraj D, Lytinas M. Anti-inflammatory actions of flavonoids and structural requirements for new design. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2001 Sep-Dec;14(3):119-127.
3. Paiwan Buachan,1 Linda Chularojmontri,2 and Suvara K. Wattanapitayaku Selected Activities of Citrus Maxima Merr. Fruits on Human Endothelial Cells: Enhancing Cell Migration and Delaying Cellular Aging. Nutrients. 2014 Apr; 6(4): 1618–1634.
4. Cassidy A, Rogers G, Peterson J et al. Higher dietary anthocyanin and flavonol uptakes are associated with anti-inflammatory effects in a population of US adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Doi: 10.3945/ajcn.115.108555, 2015.
5. Kean RJ, Lamport DJ, Dodd GF, Freeman JE eta l. Chronic consumption of flavanone-rich orange juice is associated with cognitive benefits: an 8 wk, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in healthy older adults. Am J Clinical Nutrition Mar 2015, 10;3; 506-514.