Business Building Corner

Work at home fathers

There are at least two types of dads who work out of the home. One is continuing with the full-time job he’s always had, just telecommuting from home. The other is starting his own business or freelancing in his chosen career—being his own boss.

Whatever the reason may be, more fathers are working at home now than ever before. Many are doing this to add more flexibility to family life. Working from home allows fathers more opportunity to be with their children. In some cases, mom may be making a higher income, so it makes more sense to have dad be the primary caregiver. By working from home, the father does not completely lose the extra income he was earning.

Questions for dads considering working at home
Making the switch from an onsite position to working at home takes careful consideration. If you are a father who is starting your own business, such as working as an active LPGN Independent Business Owner, here are some key questions to ask:

Untraditional Hours
Working at home gives dads the chance to work on their own terms. Along with that comes the opportunity to keep the kids out of daycare and help out with their daily needs. Instead of working a schedule like the traditional nine to five, the work at home dad may have to adapt some odd hours. For example, he can work while the kids are having downtime or when they are at school. With very young children to look after, dad may have to wait until mom comes home and work at night and on weekends.

Work at home fathers develop routines that allow work to get done when it needs to be, but the schedule generally focuses on the children’s needs, safety and well-being. Saving on childcare and adding flexibility to family and career life are the up sides of this arrangement.

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