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Your skin needs special care during the summer

During the hot summer months, your skin works hard. It has to fend against the sun while the pores emit perspiration, as the body tries to cool down from the relentless heat. What can you do to keep skin healthy?

Skin care tips for summer

  1. Hydration is one of the most important things to maintain for healthy skin. This is true year round, but especially so during the summer. Even if you live in a humid climate, your body loses a lot of moisture in the summer through perspiration. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help skin stay moisturized.
  2. Wear sunscreen! Again, this is something that should be done year round, but especially during the sunnier summer months. You can actually get a sunburn even when it’s a cloudy day, so it’s imperative to wear sunscreen when outdoors.
  3. Use moisturizer. You may want to switch to a water-based moisturizer in the summer if you usually wear an oil-based one. Because you will most likely be perspiring more during the summer, the mix of oily moisturizer and salty sweat can be uncomfortable. And don’t think of all that perspiration as being a natural moisturizer—it’s depleting your body of fluids, not hydrating it.
  4. Boycott sodas. This may be counterintuitive for some, because many people crave an icy cold soda when the temperature rises. Unfortunately, sodas are either full of sugar or artificial sweeteners, both of which are bad for the skin. Best beverage to choose? Water, plain or spiked with fresh lime, lemon or any other fresh cut-up fruit.
  5. Decrease consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Alcoholic beverages and drinks that are highly caffeinated act as diuretics. This means they suck the liquid out of the body, expediting dehydration. Since hydration is so important, be sure to replenish with lots of water.

  1. Exfoliate. Again, this is something that should be done year round, but it’s even more important when the weather is hot. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin and improve the blood circulation in the face. The better the circulation, the healthier and more clear the complexion. After exfoliating, be sure to moisturize.
  2. Avoid excessive sunbathing or tanning salons. UVA and UVB rays cause sunburn and put you at risk for skin cancer. Regardless of whether you sunbathe naturally or at a salon, there is always the risk of damaging your skin. For a nice dose of natural vitamin D, get about 20 to 30 minutes of exposure to the sun, preferably not during 11 am to 3 pm when the rays are strongest.
  3. Keep your face clean. Try to wash your face at least twice daily. Because people tend to be outdoors more during the summer, there’s more exposure to the elements and that includes dirt. Keeping your face clean will help keep pores from being clogged and minimize outbreaks.
  4. Sleep. When it’s cold and gray, it’s instinctive to cozy up in a warm bed and want to sleep. And, it’s harder to jump out of bed into cold air, so people sleep more in the winter. It’s just as important to get the right amount of sleep in the hot months. Lack of sleep is hard on the skin.
  5. Keep to a healthy diet. This may be difficult with all the summer parties and barbecues, but LPGN IBOs have the edge with the best dietary supplements available. Prevent tummy discomforts with DIGESTIVE+++ and keep your arteries unclogged with Laminine OMEGA+++!