Business Building Corner

Polish your speaking skills

Speaking skills are important for career success, whether you’re an employee, a boss or an independent business owner. Speaking skills can also improve communications in your personal life, whether you’re interacting with family, friends or acquaintances. In network marketing, good speaking skills help produce retail sales and new enrollees.

Skillfully stringing words together helps the listener or an audience, stay focused on the speaker. This attention allows the speaker to deliver the message effectively and to be understood. An audience that is distracted will not absorb the message, so the speaker’s attempt at persuasion for a cause, product or opportunity, will not produce the desired results.

One of the most common fears for humans is public speaking. This fear is universal and results from shyness, fear of appearing inept, inability to articulate, inexperience or a combination thereof. On the other hand, there are those who are born with the gift of gab and actually enjoy oration in front of a crowd. The good news is that like most tasks, practice makes perfect. Speaking well can be practiced one-on-one and build up to presenting to larger groups. Practice on friends who are kind but honest with productive criticism.

Good speaking skills build credibility in business negotiations and at any job. In network marketing, an articulate upline helps build confidence in downline and serves as a stable role model. By the same token, an IBO who can clearly and succinctly give a product or an opportunity endorsement is much more likely to sign up new IBOs than someone who cannot explain the benefits of the LPGN products and/or the financial advantages.

Each time an LPGN IBO approaches a new prospect, it’s similar to a preliminary job interview as a recruiter. The IBO is sharing information about the company and what it represents or does. Each prospect is in a sense, a candidate for the open position of downline IBO. The ability to speak well and showcase LPGN and the ways to earn and advance will ideally produce a new enrollee or, at least a prospect to follow up with. You may have to communicate repeatedly or frequently with prospects before they commit and sign up, but if you are clear and convincing, at least they are likely to stay open to joining.

LPGN IBOs have the distinct advantage of representing a company led by a family with integrity who are committed to only putting forth products backed by science and made with the highest quality ingredients. In addition to superior products, business success requires consistent sales. Call it sharing or selling, consuming or using—the reality is that the best products still require distribution.

Whether you like talking a lot or are on the shy side, being a convincing speaker and representing LPGN is relatively simple. The products will speak for themselves, so all you have to do is get them into the hands of your prospects. Stand in front of a mirror, practice your personal endorsement or an impressive story you know from your upline or crossline and repeat it to each and every prospect. The more often you connect with people, the more comfortable you will become.

Here’s to your success!