Laminine Combines Science and Technology with Ancient Traditions

What is the history of the fertilized avian egg extract found in Laminine?
The health benefits of fertilized hen egg have been purported for centuries in China and many Asian countries based on traditional usage as a supplement for a variety of health benefits. As the egg develops after fertilization it contains an abundance of a unique array of proteins, peptides, antioxidants, immune defense factors and growth factors that are not found in other foods.1 An avian egg is the largest “cell” that contains, in addition to genetic information, all proteins needed as a source of amino acids for the growth of the developing chick. It is a rich source of nutrients that must support a variety of biological functions. There is no other food similar to it in ingredient content.1 The fertilized avian egg extract in Laminine has been boosted with the full range of additional amino acids so that during its delivery, it can continue to support protein synthesis.

Physicians, such as John R. Davidson in the early 1900s, used fertilized avian extract to support the health and well being of their patients. Nearly 50 years later in Norway, Dr. Bjoedne Eskeland began doing investigational studies on fertilized avian egg extract to find it had a special combination of amino acids, peptides and protein fractions that could provide an incredible array of health benefits when consumed by humans. Dr. Eskeland later teamed up exclusively with LifePharm Global to formulate Laminine.

What have recent scientific discoveries revealed about nine-day fertilized avian egg extracts?
Recent scientific research is now uncovering the bio-ingredients that give the fertilized nine-day avian egg its unique properties. There has been great interest during the past decades in the changes that occur during this development process and in the composition of the egg.2

The challenge in keeping the nine-day fertilized avian egg extract intact during processing of the egg at this early development stage has been conquered by LifePharm Global through the exclusive use of an evaporative cooling technique. This technique keeps the peptides and growth factors intact without denaturing them. Denaturing refers to the process of changing the structure and function of proteins. Because these growth factors, and peptides are important to attach to receptor sites on cells to activate cellular functions, it is of utmost importance to maintain the natural structure and integrity of these components. They fit like lock and key and if the key is bent, so to speak, it will not fit the receptor sites to activate certain cell functions. The uniqueness of the special isolation and “no heat” processing of LifePharm Global nine-day fertilized avian egg extract assures these components are intact.

What is Fibroblast Growth Factor and what does it do?
Fibroblast Growth Factors function in the adult human as homoeostatic factors, in the response to injury, in the regulation of electrical excitability of cells and as hormones that regulate metabolism.3 In adults recent discoveries suggest multiple roles in tissue homeostasis and repair. There are three types of signaling pathways that various subunits of the large FGF molecule activates.1

  • Paracrine signaling is a form of cell-to-cell communication in which a cell produces a signal to induce changes in nearby cells (local action), altering the behavior or differentiation of those cells.
  • Endocrine signaling refers to hormones which travel considerably longer distances via the circulatory system.
  • Intracrine signaling refers to signaling that occurs within the cells. FGFs have acquired diverse actions and functions.3

FGF signaling involves the physiology and function of the spine, brain, sex organs, nasal passages, inner ear, teeth and mouth, blood vessel tone, heart muscle repair and function, hair growth, limb and organ functions, muscle and nerve coordination for movement, and bone mineralization and vitamin D utilization.3 FGF functioning also involves lipid and sugar metabolism, bile acid metabolism and weight management.3 It is also involved in phosphorous regulation for maintenance of the kidney functions.4

How can you make Laminine work even better for you?
The Laminine formula supplies FGF in the form of an easily swallowed capsule. The beauty of Laminine is that the FGF travels to the areas of the body that are in need of the most repair. There are a multitude of benefits provided by Laminine. That’s why Laminine consumers speak of such a wide variety of ways it helps improve health: from relieving stress to brightening skin, from gaining restful sleep to recovering more quickly from strenuous activities. Many consumers even experience clarity of mind and increased emotional balance.

Now Laminine can work even better. Why? Because taking Laminine OMEGA+++, DIGESTIVE+++ and IMMUNE+++ may help you keep the various systems of the body working as smoothly as possible. Then when Laminine targets the weaker areas of the body, it can work in tandem with the other products for quicker results. Why wait until your body is in distress when you can keep it functioning at its best by taking the four powerhouses of LPGN every day?


  1. Duan X, Wu F, Li M, Yang N, Wu C, et al. Naturally occurring angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from a fertilized egg and its inhibitory mechanism. J Agric Food Chem, 2014, Jun 18: 62 (24):5500-6.
  2. Lilienthal S, Drotleff AM and Ternes W. Changes in the protein secondary structure of hen’s egg determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy during the first eight days of incubation. Poultry Science 2015, 94:68-79.
  3. Nobuyuki Itoh and David M. Ornitz. Fibroblast growth factors: from molecular evolution to roles in development, metabolism and disease. J. Biochem. 2011;149(2):121–130, doi:10.1093/jb/mvq121.
  4. Quarles LD. Skeletal secretion of FGF-23 regulates phosphate and vitamin D metabolism. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2012 Jan 17;8(5):276-86. doi: 10.1038/nrendo.2011.218