Business Building Corner

Use email to make money

When it comes to network marketing, there are a lot of options when it comes to doing business online. Whether you utilize social media or content marketing through your replicated website, you’ll reach the general public. However, what may be surprising in this age of growing technology is the effectiveness of good old-fashioned email.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, email has a return on investment of around 4,300 percent! Data supporting this finding was recently documented by two survey companies, Research Now and Webstar Research. In a 2012 survey of 1,090 U.S. adults aged 18-64, they found:

  • 80 percent of people say they receive marketing messages alongside their personal emails on a daily basis.
  • 70 percent of people make use of coupons or discounts they learn about from email.
  • 60 percent of people say that receiving special offers is the top reason they subscribe to an email list from a business.

If these statistics are not convincing enough, here are some other factors that show the importance of building an emailing list from Custora, a “predictive analytics platform for ecommerce marketing teams.” Custora has analyzed data from 72 million customers shopping on 86 different retailer sites. This data is relevant to network marketers because although your focus is not on retailing per se, it is definitely one component of the business.

Custora found that over the past four years, online retailers quadrupled the rate of customers acquired through email to nearly seven percent. U.S. ecommerce sales now top $200 billion annually. They also found that when it comes to having a sales conversation with prospects, email outperforms social media. On top of that, the average “customer lifetime value” (CLV) of users acquired via email is considerably higher than those derived from social media.

The reason email is so much more effective at driving traffic and sales is because you get to take the conversation about your products and business to your customers’ and prospects’ most personal online space — their inbox.

This is not to say that you should forego content marketing. LifePharm spent a fortune to create the replicated website with four lead capture pages for you to use. It gives you all that you need to share and promote the products and the business. That’s why collecting email addresses from your lead capture pages is so important. It gives you a way to contact and keep in touch with your prospects and customers as well as allowing them to sign up as IBOs right from your replicated website.

LifePharm creates the content you need to market the products and the opportunity, but you have to share it. In addition to the replicated websites, you have the advantage of an entire Resource Library that LifePharm continues adding to on a regular basis. There’s a wealth of information (content) in the form of PDFs, PowerPoints, videos and more. Use them by:

  • Building an email list and sending emails with links or attachments through your Contact Manager.
  • Letting customers know about new product information and/or research and other interesting company news that affects them.
  • Re-engaging with customers who have not purchased in some time.
  • Sharing the latest content (YES Ezine, LifePharm Connection, with your customers to engage them without a sales focus.
  • Recognizing customers and downline with birthday wishes, anniversary greetings, and congratulations for downline achievements.

Email allows you to engage your customers in a personal way and use it to drive sales. In other words, build relationships via email and use your replicated website to educate and sponsor. LifePharm creates the tools for you, but you have to use them!