Business Building Corner

Is your business duplicable?

Whether you are new to business building or a veteran of network marketing, there is one important question to ask at every stage of your journey: Is your LifePharm business duplicable?

Do you know what duplication really means for your business, and why it is so important? In network marketing, what we duplicate is the way we create leads and sponsor new IBOs. How we duplicate is by training everyone on our team to do the same. Teaching each team member to adopt our work ethic of consistently developing leads and sponsoring new people is the method by which we duplicate. Doing this is the single most important key to growing a team or organization.

Personal activity is necessary for the continual growth of our organization. We should never stop sponsoring and training, because we lead by example. We need to show our teams the correct way to build a business by producing results ourselves. In other words, you have to do first whatever you want your team members to do.

People instinctively learn by watching others, so when your team members see you constantly prospecting, they will do the same. When your team sees you hosting meetings, doing presentations and attending events, they will do the same!

The first 30 days after you sponsor new IBOs is critical for getting them off to a good start. Build momentum when they are most interested and curious about how the products can help them make money. An easy way to do this is to make a fast start action plan for your team. Include the key information that every new enrollee needs for a fast start.

  • Walk them through the LifePharm Virtual Office. Make sure they know how to access all the corporate materials, including Training Tools, Tutorials, weekly editions of What’s Up LifePharm, and the Compensation Plan with all its bonuses and rewards. We continually add new tools to your Virtual Office, including PowerPoint presentations and videos. They’re there for you to use when you introduce newcomers to the products and the company.

  • Make sure they have access to product knowledge. Show them where to find product information on our websites, and be sure to give them your personal endorsements. How did the products help you? What are the benefits you received from each product? And show them our library of product endorsements to see how others benefited.

  • Help your team learn to set goals. Each new person will be different, so listen to individual needs and wants. Then discuss how you can help them achieve their goals. Introduce the concept of creating warm leads by making a list. Offer to be on 3-way calls. Be supportive but not pushy.

  • Encourage them to share why they wanted to join LifePharm. Soon enough, they will have a product endorsement to share. Meanwhile, they can share your story and that of others. Most importantly, lead by example and treat your team members the way you want to be treated.