You can slow down the appearance of aging

(Part 2 of 2 articles)

Last week we introduced “glycation,” the process of sugar molecules cross-linking collagen fibers, and “advanced glycation end products” or “AGES” that have harmful effects on the skin, eyes, nerves and vascular system.

Health hazards
Scientists describe the interaction of sugar molecules with protein, lipid or fat molecules forming abnormal molecules, which are resistant to normal biological degradation processes. The end products of these unregulated interactions are making harmful products in our bodies that affect health in serious ways.1 The content of these harmful components in tissues and body fluids have been found to be correlated with different oxidative-stress based diseases. They have been seen in high concentrations in diabetes related diseases, atherosclerotic lesions and sclerosis. They are also implicated in the nerve cells of the brain cortex and cerebral vessels, as related to the severity of cognitive impairment in age related memory loss conditions. They are further attributable to the health of the pancreas, obesity, blood sugar resistance and even severe immune impairment.1

Effects of dry heat and cooking
Another reason we are receiving such high levels of these toxic by-products in our system is because modern diets are largely heat-processed, and as a result, contain high levels of these AGEs.2 Recent findings have discovered that dry heat promotes 10 to 100 times more harmful AGEs as when the food is not cooked. Animal derived foods that are high in fat and protein are generally AGE-rich and prone to new harmful AGE formation during cooking. In contrast, carbohydrate-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and milk contain relatively few harmful AGEs even after cooking.2

How to prevent AGEs through diet and cooking methods
The formation of new harmful dietary AGEs can be somewhat prevented by:

When items in the meat category prepared by similar methods were compared, the highest dietary AGE levels were observed in beef and cheeses, followed by poultry, pork, fish and eggs. Lamb ranked relatively low in AGEs compared to other meats.2

Lean red meats and poultry contain high levels of harmful dietary AGEs when cooked under dry heat. This is because among the cellular components of lean muscle, there exist highly reactive amino-lipids as well as reactive sugars. This combination, when in the presence of heat, rapidly accelerates new advanced glycation formation. Although not as high in AGE as fats, meat groups will likely contribute more to overall dietary AGE intake because they are served in larger portions than are fats.2

Food Harmful AGE kU/serving
Almonds blanched 1,642
Almonds roasted 1,995
Avocado 473
Butter 1,324
Margarine 876
Beef frankfurter, broiled 450°F, 5 min. 10,143
Beef frankfurter, boiled in water, 212°F, 7 min. 6,736
Beef steak broiled 6,731
Beef steak microwave, 6 min. 2,418
Beef steak pan fried w/olive oil 9,052
Chicken breast breaded, deep fried, 20 min 8,750
Chicken breast poached, 7 min, medium heat 991
Bacon fried 5 min. no added oil 11,905
Bacon microwave, 2 slices, 3 min 1,173
Salmon steamed in foil, 8 min, medium heat 900
Salmon, broiled with olive oil 3,901
Big Mac (McDonalds) 7,801
Gnocchi, potato/flour/Parmesan cheese 3 min 535
Thin crust pizza 6,825
Soup, chicken noodle, Campbell's 4
Food Harmful AGE kU/serving
Orange juice 14
Apple juice 5
Fried egg one large 1,237
Egg omelet, pan, low heat, margarine 8 min. 49
Bread, 100% whole wheat, (Wonder Bakeries, Irving TX) 25
Biscuit refrigerator Pillsbury, Grands, General Mills 403
Potato chips (Frito Lay) 865
Potatoes, white, French fries, McDonald’s 694
Apple Macintosh 13
Dates (Sun Maid, Calif) 18
Fig, dried 799
Banana 9
Cucumber 31
Eggplant grilled with balsamic vinegar 256
Green beans, canned 18
Tomato 11
Sugar, white 0
Milk, whole 12

Take control to look good and feel good
You can be proactive with your health and your looks. Keep in mind that the higher the heat and the more fat used in preparation, the more harmful AGEs are produced from the food.

Very importantly, be sure to incorporate IMMUNE+++ into your daily regimen. IMMUNE+++ contains concentrated, bioavailable Vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols. They have been shown to help prevent the damaging effects of oxidation. Simply take one in the morning and one in the evening to benefit from the advantages of the mechanisms that protect your body against the formation of harmful AGEs.


  1. Aldini G, Vistoli G, Stefek M, Chondrogianni N, et al. Molecular strategies to prevent, inhibit, and degrade advanced glycoxidation and advanced lipoxidation end products. Free Radical Research August 2013;47 (Suppl.1):93-137.
  2. Uribarri J, Woodruff S, Goodman S. Cai W, Chen Xue. Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 June; 110 (6):911-16.e12. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2010.03.018.