Business Building Corner

Cultivate a wealth mentality

What you think, and how you behave as a result of those thoughts, greatly impacts what happens in building a LifePharm business. Successful entrepreneurs often become the wealthiest people because of their mindset. So what kind of mindset do you need?

Think, Define, Plan
The successful business builder is methodical and directed. There is calculated intention behind each action and purpose. In other words, the unwavering goal is to achieve financial freedom by systematically executing a plan. Achieving financial freedom is not approached as a stroke of luck—instead it is something business builders think specifically about, define personally and plan continuously. It becomes a part of the business builder’s approach to life, not just work. Thinking for the long term is also critical, rather than settling for quick short-term results. Just as an architect draws detailed plans for the building of a house, the successful entrepreneur creates detailed specifications and timelines for achieving financial freedom—by the year and in increments of months and weeks, even days.

Abundance, Opportunity, Saving
As entrepreneurs, IBOs need to nurture the habit of attracting abundance. This requires thinking in terms of prosperity and removing the fear of poverty—this mental shift is one of the obstacles people who are financially challenged face, because it’s hard to think "I'm wealthy" when the reality is "I'm poor." However, put another way, abundance thinking is the way to move forward, away from imposing limitations. Successful network marketers have faith in themselves and the belief that failure is not an option.

Another important mindset of the successful is that they think in terms of opportunity. Products and services are viewed as opportunities to make money. Technological breakthroughs or regulatory advancements are also opportunities that can lead to moneymaking. Wealthy people consistently think about how they can benefit from new developments in the world around them. Often, acquiring new benefits require a bit of risk-taking—how many times have you heard network marketers talk about "stepping out of the box" or "moving out of your comfort zone"? When you try something new or to talk to strangers without knowing the outcome, it can be scary; however, it can also lead to big opportunities.

Once you make some money, the successful IBO knows how to keep it and make it grow. W. Clement Stone once said, "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you." In today’s environment where people too often live off credit and spend more than they should, the saving mentality is that common. By the time the person who relies on credit realizes it’s time to save, the debts may be enormous. Therefore, the wealth mentality requires thinking about saving, not just spending. In multiple studies about financial independence, experts generally agreed that 20 to 30 percent of income needs to go into savings in order to eventually reach the point of having enough money to never worry about it again!

Saving money is a habit that can created. It’s like learning to eat well. For example, it may be hard to cut out junk food in the beginning, but once you do, the body adjusts and stops craving it. With saving money, once you spend a little less and save a little more, you stop missing the money you were spending on inconsequential material things. When you save enough to invest it, then the money really begins to grow.

Share Your Wealth
Saving and growing a nest egg allows entrepreneurs to become philanthropists. You might think that you need to keep all the money you save in order to become more prosperous. The opposite tends to be true in that people with a wealth mentality actually share a little of their abundance. Many wealthy people give to charities or even set up their own philanthropic programs. Psychologically, the joy of helping others makes the donor feel good, feeling good creates a positive mindset and the positivity translates to attracting like people who want to partner with you.

One way to feel wealthy is to look at the big world picture. According to statistics, 80 percent of the world’s population has less than $10 a day on which to live. Compare that with what you have, and you are bound to feel abundant. In addition, you have the great gifts of Laminine, OMEGA+++, IMMUNE+++ and DIGESTIVE+++ to share. As you help others transform their lives into ones with abundance, your own wealth naturally grows.