Business Building Corner

Sharing as a way of earning and doing good

The story of the good Samaritan is about a man from Samaria who sees an injured man, the victim possibly of robbers, at the side of the road. A priest and a Levite before him have already avoided the injured man. The good Samaritan puts the injured man on his animal and takes him to an inn, where he pays for the man to stay and recover. He tells the innkeeper that any money that may be needed over what he has already paid, will be repaid to the innkeeper upon his return.

As a LifePharm Independent Business Owner, you may have occasion to be a good Samaritan. It most likely will not be in the form of helping someone who has been beaten and left for dead on the side of a road. But if you stop and think about it, how many people do you see on a daily basis who could use a helping hand?

Are you a good Samaritan? When you see someone in need, do you help or do you turn away? If you see a relative or a friend who is suffering in some way, do you try to help resolve the issue? This is not rocket science. If someone talks about insomnia, are you sympathetic and want to help them sleep better? If someone complains about chronic indigestion or acid reflux, do you want to help alleviate their stomach problems? You may even know many who are constantly fatigued, no matter how much sleep they get. Or what about that individual who seems to be sick with a cold every other week?

The point is, if the people you encounter can be helped with LifePharm products, do you share? Do you impart the benefits? What about those you know who could use a helping hand with their finances? Do you share the LifePharm opportunity or do you keep quiet? Every day, ask yourself if you are being a good Samaritan. The difference between the original Samarian and you is that in sharing and helping others, you eventually will end up earning more money. The more you earn, the more able you will be to help others, whether it’s by donation, giving your time to your community or paying for your family and all their needs. Being a good Samaritan through your chosen role as a LifePharm IBO is a natural fit. And doesn’t that feel great?

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