Business Building Corner

What is a creative beginning?

May is creative beginnings month, but what does that mean in relation to business building? The truth of the matter is that there are ways to help grow a small enterprise that may seem entirely unrelated to the actual business. Creative beginnings are, in essence, ways to enhance business that are "out-of-the-box."

For example, when you tap into your creative side—whether you paint landscapes or have a hobby building model airplanes— it doesn’t directly increase your sales or sponsorship, but it affects your mood, your demeanor, and your overall attitude towards people. When you are happy, positive-minded and confident—the usual byproducts of creative activities—you inevitably become better at selling, promoting and introducing your LifePharm products and the financial opportunity it can provide.

When you already have a creative area that interests you, it may be harder to make a creative beginning. As creatures of habit, we tend to return to what we already know and are comfortable with. The benefit of making a creative beginning becomes clear once you do it. Trying something new creatively is like making a trip without having to physically go somewhere.

Sometimes, it may be uncomfortable to make a creative beginning. For example, not everyone is going to want to take up skydiving; however, if you actually speak to someone who has finally made the leap for the first time, virtually everyone will tell you how exhilarating and wonderful an experience it was.

There are so many ways to make a creative beginning that there’s no need to go the route of skydiving! You can start listening to a new genre of music. You can visit an aquarium, a museum, or contemporary art. Have you ever flown a kite? Have you ever experienced that moment when the kite rises and floats beautifully high in the air and soars? When you fly that kite for the first time, you are making a creative beginning, and it may well have a positive impact on your confidence levels, and even your optimism in selling LifePharm products.

You won’t know until you try.