Business Building Corner

Add a little humor when doing business

Dwight D. Eisenhower is quoted as saying, “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” Not as famous as President Eisenhower, but acknowledged as a guru in his field, Darren LaCroix, training authority and author of Laugh & Get Rich: How to Profit from Humor in Any Business, actually runs workshops that teach people how to use humor to improve their business.

LaCroix explains that, “A little laughter can go a long way toward making sales for small businesses, entrepreneurs and multi-level marketing companies. People who use humor in their sales presentations connect deeper, earn more, motivate more effectively, get invited and referred more, are more memorable, stand out and have more fun."

How does humor help to close the sale, seal the contract or solidify a relationship? Humor releases tension. When sales professionals, consultants and entrepreneurs can successfully read their clients or prospects to find their soft spots or tension points, then the solution to relieve or soothe those points can be presented.

Being able to present a solution is what creates deeper rapport. In other words, when an issue is being discussed, the prospect may not be willing to divulge his/her need or problem, but if the IBO or networker can create some humor, the truth is more often ready to be told. Humor makes a serious situation more palatable. When you can make someone laugh, you’re always closer to closing the deal.

According to the Harvard Business Review, researchers have found that there are specific aspects about humor that can lead to successful business interchanges. In summary, the type of humor you display is more important than how funny you are. This means you must be honest and authentic. In addition, oftentimes being clever is enough. Researchers also found that the one who is not afraid to laugh at oneself is most successful in business, because it shows the listener/prospect/client that everything is fine. Humor used to disarm is generally poking fun about topics everyone is worried about, rendering it less threatening.

Sales guru and best-selling author Jeffery Gitomer says, "The end of laughter is followed by the height of listening." When an IBO, salesperson or marketer can make a prospect laugh, that particular prospect is going to pay closer attention and actually want to hear what is going to be said next.

Why Humor Works
People want to work with people they like, and those with a healthy sense of humor are more enjoyable to be around. This is true in every field, and especially in network marketing where you truly can pick and choose the people you want to work with. In network marketing, you’re not stuck in an office situation with employees that often are there just for the paycheck. You’re also not where you are trying to climb the corporate ladder and at the mercy of executive management to receive a raise or promotion. As a prospect or new IBO, you have the option to join the team of someone you like or simply purchase product from her/him.

Humor alleviates stress. Regardless of your position on a team, whether you are a brand new IBO or ranked Silver and above and a team leader, there are bound to be stressful times and challenging situations. In those times, when you inject a little humor into the situation, everyone can take a breath and brainstorm solutions.

People who can laugh in response to a conflict or a challenge tend to be able to practice "divergent thinking." Forbes magazine describes divergent thinking as a pattern where multiple ideas and solutions are considered, in contrast to “convergent thinking” where only one solution is seen. In this way, humor is a key ingredient in creative thinking—it helps people play with ideas and see things in different ways. Since people tend to be more inspired and productive when they are relaxed, no wonder humor is such a desirable trait in every type of business.

Humorous people are perceived as being more approachable, and in network marketing, this is critical. When you are cold-calling or meeting a referral for the first time, how comfortable the prospect feels around you will determine how close you can get to sponsoring or selling the products.

Numerous studies suggest that people with a sense of humor tend to be viewed as being more trustworthy and more intelligent. Again, these perceptions are crucial in the world of network marketing, where continuously establishing new relationships are necessary to build a robust business that is not only deep, but also wide.

In a nutshell, building a LifePharm business offers you more opportunities to have fun, to choose the people you want to work with and to be part of a team. It’s a serious business, but a little humor can take you a long way.