Business Building Corner

Speaking effectively for better business

Most of us do not recall how we learned to talk, but when we observe and interact with babies and toddlers, we see the evolution of how the child learns a few words at a time, then how to string them together into complete sentences and eventually, pronounce each word accurately. Just as each baby communicates differently, each adult speaks in a particular way—some of us speak more clearly and effectively than others.

Why do some people articulate words better than others? Is it something we’re born with or can it be learned? The good news is that some of us are born with it and the better news is that all of us can learn it.

Those of us who aren’t born with the gift of gab need to acquire it. Speaking convincingly is key to business success, especially in network marketing where the spoken word is often the most effective way to convey emotion and passion. Pragmatically, the majority of people find it easier to speak than to write about their personal experiences. In other words, successful business building in network marketing depends a great deal on how we tell our stories, whether it’s one-on-one or during a meeting or presentation.

Business communication can be thought of as a problem solving activity in which individuals may address the following questions:

  • Do you find it easy to make a phone call to a stranger or to speak to a room full of people?
  • Do you speak clearly or do you need to overcome a tendency to mumble?
  • Is your grammar proper or does it need improvement?
  • Do you enjoy making new acquaintances and introducing yourself?
  • Do you initiate conversation with people you do not know?

The answers to these questions can tell us where we may need improvement in our speaking skills. For some of us, it may be a positive challenge, while for others it may be somewhat daunting. No matter how we start out, our ability to communicate and speak effectively will partially be responsible for the speed of our business growth.

On the other side of the coin, our communication skills help us to understand others—not just their words, but also their tone of voice and nonverbal gestures—these help define who they are and what their values and priorities may be. Active listening is also part of being a successful speaker, because only then will we understand whom we are addressing and therefore, the best way to establish a connection.

We can learn to speak in public by first having conversations in small group settings, then by answering questions and expressing our opinions, and finally by preparing and delivering an actual speech or presentation. What we say should clearly reflect our thoughts, experience and when introducing LifePharm to others, our “why.” Part of that learning experience is to listen to leaders in the field or any mentors we may have and try to extract effective parts of their delivery and emulate them. We can ask them for suggestions and even practice our presentations in front of them.

Effective speaking is a skill that applies to almost every field of work, and it makes a difference in our relationships with others. Going back to the analogy of the baby learning to talk: we may not remember how we learned to talk, but ask any parent and the universal experience is of exuberance and relief when the child can finally speak effectively enough without becoming frustrated and resorting to tears and tantrums. Not being able to make our wishes known produces tension—that’s how we are wired from birth.

In network marketing, speaking effectively is not about using big words and being able to perform verbal gymnastics. It is about being able to deliver our stories in an authentic and compelling way. We want to be prepared to communicate well when given the opportunity. Each time we do a good job, our success will bring about more success and benefit our team members as well.

Since practice makes perfect, set aside a few minutes every day in front of a mirror, with a friend or team member, and have a conversation about your reason for being with LifePharm, about the incomparable products, or how the business opportunity has impacted your life. Little by little, you will develop impressive speaking skills. Watch how it makes your business grow!