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Persistence is the key to success

Persistence can pay off, but rarely does success come without some failure. It’s a part of learning, changing and being human. And it can take a lot of trial and error to master something. Don’t believe us? Check out the chart below.

There may be one area in your business or personal life you would like to improve. Maybe you are shy, fearful or feeling overwhelmed. To overcome this obstacle, here are some persistence tips with big payoff:

  • Don’t overthink it. If you have an impulse to act, do it within five seconds or chances are you will find a way to talk yourself out of it.
  • Plan to fail. Failure can—and probably will—happen many times before you master something, get a “yes” or become an expert. Expect it, become accustomed to it and move on.
  • Take baby steps. In the beginning start with small, calculated risks when failure is anticipated and won’t faze you. Save the big stuff for later when you have some successes under your belt to build up your confidence.
  • Don’t be idle. Sometimes you need to wait for a response, but that’s no reason to sit back and wait. Find other ways—or people—to pitch your ideas to so you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
  • Stay true to you. All you need is one person to give your idea a platform, say yes or connect you to the right people. But remember to listen to your instincts, follow your own path to victory—or failure—and refuse to give up.