Business Building Corner

6 Steps to Motivate You for Success

“Entrepreneurs aren’t born, they are made.” You’ve probably heard this many times, but it’s always worth remembering. To go out on your own takes a leap of faith that success will be the end result. However, there will be times (maybe many) where setbacks happen, doubt clouds your judgement and your motivation wanes. During those times you need to take steps to get back on track.

Only time will tell if an entrepreneur will be successful. Forbes magazine lists three major obstacles entrepreneurs must overcome: capability to get people on board and add to your vision; flexibility to adapt, openness to feedback and ability to learn; persistence and execution.

Below are six steps to stay motivated on your LifePharm journey.

Slow down to speed up.
When the mind is overwhelmed by mental tasks the body often takes a beating as well. But that’s one of the major advantages to being a LifePharm Independent Business Owner (IBO). You aren’t chained to a desk, you make your own hours and you can make exercise a priority at whatever time of day you want. Keeping and maintaining a regular health routine is critical for entrepreneurs who need time to unwind, get out of their headspace for a while and re-energize. Take an hour for a yoga class, 20 minutes to sit in a room and meditate, or even jogging outside will get your feel-good endorphins flowing.

Read a good fiction book.
It may sound strange when our society continually relies on digital content, but research studies are showing individuals who read fiction learn to approach obstacles in new ways, tend to empathize better and demonstrate superior focus. Why? Reading, much like exercise, helps replenish us by taking us away from mental tasks so we can approach them at a later time more effectively, and with a fresh perspective. Part of sharing the LifePharm Products and Opportunity is to find a common connection with others to build on. You never know when referencing a favorite character from a book may start a conversation with a potential LifePharm customer or team member.

Find success stories to inspire you.
For LifePharm IBOs, there is no shortage of endorsements from Titanium, Platinum, Gold and Silver leaders. You’ll find stories from housewives, retirees, doctors, police officers, teachers, coaches and more from all walks of life. The common thread among the stories is the same: I did it and you can, too. Learn from their experiences, try a few of their tips (you can start with the endorsements from recent rank advancers here), and attend any IBO-hosted events near you to hear personal stories first-hand.

Connect with an experienced entrepreneur to mentor you.
There are very few entrepreneurs who don’t like to discuss the details on how they built their empires. Many tour the country speaking at events, write books and hold seminars to train others on how they can achieve the same level of success. You can find a mentor through your LifePharm sponsor, upline or from your LifePharm Field Development team members, such as Steve Brown, Tyler Sharp or Sonya Olivas. There is a whole network of support in place when you enroll in LifePharm to help you reach your goals. Give them a chance to guide you and help you grow your LifePharm Business.

Write down your experiences to chronicle your journey.
Journaling is a proven stress reliever, but it can also be a helpful component to chronicling your journey as an IBO and provide a written legacy for your family. Whether you choose a notebook or blog, journaling can also be an ideal way to strategize your next move, review your failures and successes, and brainstorm alternative ways to create new business or overcome obstacles. Scheduling just 10 to 15 minutes a day to journal will add value to your business, and studies have proven writing down your thoughts before bed can help you sleep more soundly.

Learn to weather the storms.
You’ve heard the saying “keep calm and carry on.” This is an especially useful phrase for entrepreneurs to practice, because the winding road to the top is full of challenges. Much like investing in the stock market it’s important to pause, reassess and determine if you need to wait out a situation or change your course of direction. At times the pace can be frenetic, discouraging and you may find yourself at a crossroads. Just remember why you chose this road to begin with and if that end-goal is still what defines your success.