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Five Ways to Thrive in November

Social schedules tend to get filled quickly with the approach of national holidays. Here are five ways to stay on top of the madness, from getting the best price for prescriptions to smart eating tips. Read on for five ways to be your best in November.

Make time for smart eating
People who wait until they’re ravenous tend to make bad eating and spending decisions. As you embark on your holiday errands in addition to your routine on-the-go tasks, make sure to pack healthy snacks so you aren’t at the mercy of the fast-food drive-throughs. If you’re time crunched and rush out the door without any sustenance, you can still make healthy choices later on. Coordinate your list to end at your favorite healthy takeout spot. Then call to place a to-go order an hour before you plan to end up there. Now, that’s smart and healthy planning!

Do yoga for your brain
The holidays cannot only frazzle your nerves, but your mind as well. Calm both by tapping into visual-spatial memory exercises that improve connectivity to the brain. Yoga and meditation are perfect examples. Not only do they sharpen your senses and memory, but they make you more resilient to stress, calming your mind and body. Make room for some “om” time or sit quietly for 10 minutes a day and let your brain go blank.

Cut your health care costs
Rising prescription drug prices in the U.S.A. have been taking over news headlines. But drug prices aren’t regulated and the pharmacy five miles away could be charging significantly less the one down the street from you. Simply call up three to five local pharmacies, give them the name and dosage of the medication you need, and ask for pricing through your insurance or cash only. Even if you have only a co-pay amount, billing the medication to your insurance can drive up your premiums along with your stress levels. By shopping around you could slash a sizeable chunk off your monthly medication!

Fidgeting is your friend
Your grade school teachers had it all wrong. Fidgeting is surprisingly good for you! Studies show sitting for hours can reduce blood flow in your legs and eventually lead to a buildup of plaque in your arteries. This can put you at risk for dangerous blood clots. Fortunately, even just tapping your toes can get your blood moving again, creating enough friction in your artery walls to help prevent damage. So, make like your kids and wiggle a bit as you sit!

Know when to ask for help
If you’re caring for a sick family member this holiday season, you’re not alone. Over 66 million Americans are caring for a sick family member or friend right now. Studies are proving caregivers need some TLC too. Don’t forget to make yourself a priority or ask for help. If you don’t want to burden those closest to you, look into tech concierge services that can help you manage medical bills, scheduling and more.